Hedera number 2 is coming along. As you can see the leg and heel flap are done and I turned the heel. It always feels like a huge accomplishment to get to this point. Take that SSS (Second Sock Syndrome)!
A new woman who designs jewlery came to Upper East Side Knitters last night and we're going to trade skills. She's going to help me with wire wrapping so I can improve my stitch markers. I'm going to teach her to crochet so she can do all those fancy picot edgings. Then we're all going to live happily ever after in Craftland :-)
That baby blanket looks beautiful! One of these days I will make it to the UES knitters! :-)
You have so many projects going!
I haven't been at UES knitters recently because of work schedules, but I think I should be back this week, and starting on a new project (to be determined...).
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