I've been AWOL from blogland due to a much needed vaca in California :-) JF and I flew to San Franciso last week where we stayed for a few days before driving down the coast, stopping in Monterey, then continuing on to LA. I have about 500 pics and JF has another 350 or so but I'll spare you guys and give you some highlights:

Pacific Park at the Santa Monica Pier

Carousel also in Santa Monica

Morro Rock-it's actually made of lava!

Seals sunbathing on the coast

Fisherman's Wharf-you can see Alcatrez in the background

Muscle Beach on the "boardwalk" in Venice

Chinatown in San Francisco

Nemo at the Long Beach Aquarium

Mr. Friendly Seal


Lion fish-beautiful but poisonous!

Golden Gate Bridge on a foggy day

Buddha statue at the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park

Waterfall in the park

Sonoma County

Barrels of wine

While JF was antiquing in Monterey I came across this knitting section of the store :-)

Anyone ever heard of this yarn?

Beginner knitting book from the '50's

Some patterns from the book

This is where the novel "Cannery Row" by John Steinbeck took place. Alright I'll admit I never read it but I did muddle through "The Grapes of Wrath" in 11th grade!

Knitting themed charm bracelet I purchased in San Francisco

"Till the sun comes up over Santa Monica Bld!"