Then I moved onto making my own beads with Fimo clay. After baking them in the oven I applied glaze to make them shiny.

So take a look around and tell your knitting friends. You can never have too many stitch markers ;-) You may have noticed that the quality of my pics has improved. JF bought me a new camera in anticipation of our vacation next week. We're going to California-not sure what the knitting is like over there although I vowed I would not turn this trip into a tour of West Coast LYS's!
I have more good news to report. I found my Glittens pattern!
It was stuck in the couch between the arm and the bottom cushion. I was in the process of making a stitch marker and dropped it down there. When I reached down to get it, voila!
Oooh, nice stitch markers. Digging the orange ones with the polka dots. I will have to check out your etsy site....
The beads you made are so much cooler than the ones you bought! Keep it up; they're awesome.
they are lovely!
Your photos DO look great - it looks like it has a nice macro setting for closeups. I will certainly check out your camera recommendation.
The stitch markers are beautiful, and I love how you display them. I'll bookmark your etsy site for future gift-giving reference :)
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