Debbie Stoller gave me the thumbs up when I brought it in since she was on the phone discussing important knitting related business. I'm so proud of myself and now I know that I can knit anything in any period of time if I put my mind to it. I hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday season.
I think I won the award for most obsessed knitter when I told my family we couldn't have a holiday get-together after I had handed in my sweater in January! Ok, so I know you're all waiting for the picture. But it's top secret so you'll have to check out the book when it comes out later this year.
I finished the infamous "purple sweater" in time to give to JF's dad for Hanukah. It was a perfect fit and he's already gotten complements on it. Pictures forthcoming. Knitting related gifts I recieved:
Secret Santa: a gift certificate to the LYS Knitting and Stitching.
JF'S parents: the book At Knit's End: Meditations for Women Who Knit Too Much by the Yarn Harlot herself Stephanie Pearl-Mcphee
JF's sister and brother-in-law: the book Dominknitrix by Jennifer Stafford
JF himself: subscriptions to Knit.One magazine and InKnitters magazine, and the 2007 Stitch 'n Bitch Page -A-Day calendar. (Next year my socks will be in it!!)
My family-I'll find out this Sunday when we have our belated Hanukah get-together ;-)

My knitting resolutions for 2007 are:
Make a fair isle sweater.
Continue to design patterns and get them published.
Learn to make 2 socks at the same time.
Complete some projects using Magic Loop.
Make more handknit items for other people rather than keeping all that yarny goodness to myself! Hmmm....yarny....I just created a new word!
1 comment:
congrats on the pattern!!!! ya!
Happy new year/ knitting.
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