Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I have very exciting news to report. One of my designs is going to be featured in the Stitch n' Bitch 2008 Page-A-Day Calendar. It's expected to come out next summer. I designed and knit this pair of socks modelled by yours truly:
In other Knitting Knews the dog sweater I knit actually fit my sister's dog. Heeeeere's Tyson!
I got Tyson into the sweater while my sister was out just to make sure it fit. I was planning to give it to the little guy as a holiday gift. However, he just looked so cute in it I decided to keep it on him. When my sister came into the room she was surprised and excited to see him in the new sweater. Then he wore it to Thanksgiving for my whole family to admire.

Since I've completed so many projects recently it was time to cast on for something new. I've been wanting to make a pair of "glittens" or convertable mittens. I already had a pattern and made a sincere effort to use some yarn from my stash. However I realized the yarns I was combining were a completey different gauge and it just wasn't going to work. So what'd I do? You guessed it-went out to the LYS and bought some Cascade 220 in complementary shades of orange.
I did learn a really interesting cast on method called the 2x2 Tubular-Cast on for this project. It involves crocheting a chain of stitches using scrap yarn, knitting into them using the yarn intended for the project, then doing an interesting ribbing that ends up twisting on itself. Finally you pull on the crochet chain to unravel those stitches. It forms a really stretchy cast on edge. Here are some pics using my stash yarn. Sorry for the poor photo quality. These were taken on my camera-phone.

Pretty cool, huh?

1 comment:

Madeline said...

Hello! This is a little out of the blue, I realize, but I'm working on your Arrowhead socks right now, and I'm having a bit of a problem with them. Everything was going swimmingly until the first stitch-drop. The pattern says the stitches should unravel to the CO edge, but because of the set-up row with the yo's, mine stopped unraveling at the bottom of the ribbing. Am I misinterpreting the pattern, or is it an error somewhere? Also, just out of curiosity, why did you stagger the dropped columns the way you did? Thank you! :-)