I visited an old friend from college last week in Charleston, South Carolina. I had never been there before and found the city to be simply charming. It was also nice for me to have a break from all this crazy wedding planning and just do something on my own. We had fun recounting memories from college and catching up on the current going-ons in our lives.
I still can't believe it's been nearly six years since we graduated college. She's married, expecting a baby, and going to medical school. I'm getting married in just a few short months and been working hard, as always, on my career and all things knitting-related.
The popular touristy thing to do in Charleston is to take a horse drawn carriage ride through the city with a tour guide talking about all the history surrounding you.
Here's a view from the carriage as we started out. Our horse was old and super slow. We kept having to pull to the side so other carriages could trot past ours!
We mostly saw all these beautiful houses that date back to the Civil War era. Fancy gates like the one shown above were a trademark of these houses.
It was also essential to have a large front porch. An interesting fact is that the porches were always built to maximize the breeze since there was no air conditioning way back when. As a result many of the porches are on the side of the house. The owners sacrificed a good view of the waterfront in order to stay cool.
These mansions are worth several million dollars today due to their location and history. Personally, if I was going to drop a few mil on a house I'd want it to be relatively new!
I thought it was pretty how the ivy grew along this staircase.
Here's a pic of King Street which is the main shopping district.
And a nice view of the water. The Palmetto tree, as pictured here, grows all over the place down there. It's on the SC state flag, license plates, and all the touristy souvenirs sold in the Marketplace.
I added this silver charm to the bracelet I started in San Francisco last year. My cat, Cosette, approved of it when I got home.
I was only down there for a few days and would have liked to stay longer. But JF and I will probably visit at some point. After all there will be a newborn expecting a hand-knit blanket!
That sounds like SUCH a nice break from NY. I love historical cities - they feel like a completely different world. Great photos!
Great pictures! Charleston was one of my favorite trips and for the food alone I'd return.
Looks like an amazing time! I hope to visit someday...
Hope we get to catch up soon. I guessing you've been busy with life and thus no knitting. Perhaps we can grab tea and conversation one of these up coming weekends again!
My dinner tonight was cancelled and I can't get on the site to updated my RSVP. Can you add me to tonights meet up if there is room?
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