Today is my 1 year blogiversary. So much has happened in that time knitting-wise. In chronological order here are events I attended or other things I accomplished:
1) Started UES Knitters on Yahoo groups (July/August '06)
2) Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival (September '06)
3) New York City Knit-out (September '06)
4) New York Sheep and Wool Festival (October '06)
5) Won jar cozy contest with tuxedo jar cozy co-designed with JF (November '06)
6) Got my sock pattern "Arrowhead Socks" accepted for publication (November '06)
7) Went to WEBS up in Mass (Ok, it's just a yarn store but it's an experience in itself!)
8) Got my sweater sweater pattern "Retropolitan Cardigan" accepted for publication (December '06)
9) Started making stitch markers and opened my own Etsy shop: Code Purl (Feb '07)
10)Yarn Harlot's book launch at FIT (March '07)
11) Adopted a cat (Hey, that's knitting related...sorta; April '07)
12) Radical Knitting and Subversive Lace exhibit (April '07)
13) Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival (Noticing a pattern here? May '07)
14) Broke the sweater curse! (May '07)
15) Secret Feet Exchange (June '07)
16) Moved UES Knitters to (July '07)
17) Stitch 'n Pitch (August '07)
Of course I knit a bunch of stuff in between all that running around! Excuse me for tooting my own horn but, hey, it's my blogiversary and I'll brag if I want to :-) I'm looking forward to doing so much more in my second year of blogging. Stay tuned...
Wow! That is a lot of great stuff. Congrats!
Happy blogiversary! You've had a very busy knitting-related year. Here's to more to come. clink clink!
wait- you forgot--got engaged!!
happy bloiversary!
happy blogiversary! i feel sad that i haven't made it to knitting group recently, but, like arnold, i'll be back. :)
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