Now I've broken bamboo dpn's before. I'm even ashamed to admit to breaking a pair of beautful straight Lantern Moon needles. But never before have I stooped so low as to break a pair of Addi Turbos!

"How could this have happened?" you ask. Those things are supposed to be indestructible. Well I was knitting during a long car ride. I had several pairs of circular Addis in a totebag with my knitting projects. I got out of the car at a rest stop and when I got back in I found these poor Size 6 24 inchers on the floor of the passenger side. I can only assume they must have tried to escape thinking it was their chance now that I had just bound off. They tried to make a move when I opened the car door but weren't quick enough to get out.

I tried to think of some logical use for them hating to just throw them out. The only possible use I came up with was to use them as the third needle in a 3 needle bind off. But even that's a stretch. So these are their farewell pics. May they rest in peace.
P.S. Since the aforementioned road trip happened to be to Mass I wasted no time stopping by WEBS and picking up a new pair. Easy come, easy go, right? Or vice versa...whatever, you know what I mean!