JF's coworker inquired whether I would be interested in being paid to make a felted laptop case for him. He was specific in that he wanted a light natural colored wool and since he's into graphic design he even made a 2-D model of how it would look "unfolded." I had the above yarn in my stash from the 2006 MD Sheep and Wool Festival. Although it was variegated and dark in some areas I figured I'd give it a try and see how he liked it. After handfelting it looked like this:
I didn't really like the look of it all that much. It kinda resembles a dead squirrel on the side of the road. Although he didn't like the color of that yarn he liked how the felted fabric looked. He ordered this yarn from WEBS in the 8015 shade. As a sidenote WEBS ships everything UPS. It was going to cost $5 to ship one $15 skein of yarn. He emailed them requesting they ship it first class instead which they were willing to do!
Before I entered into this I was a little concerned about the whole payment issue. I had the usual conundrum about whether he'd be able to really pay me what my time was worth. After all I was designing this case from scratch, knitting it, then felting it. It may very well not come out right the first time as you just never know with felting and I would have to do it again. What I worked out was rather than him paying we'd trade services. Since he's very good with computers and design he could help me out with the layout of my website so I'm not doing the same generic background everyone on Blogger is using.
Well it's time to start swatching!
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