Monday, May 07, 2007

A very special Sheep and Wool Festival....

Admission to Maryland and Sheep and Wool Festival: free

One night stay in a hotel and gas: $150

Official festival t-shirt: $16

Yarn purchases: $150

Getting proposed to at the Festival: PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julian and I are engaged!!!!!!!!
Stay tuned for more festival pics and all the juicy details ;-)


Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a keeper.


Nancy said...

Congratulations! Yarn, a ring, and a man! Youve got the bases covered!

HPNY KNITS said...

OMG! congratulations!!!!! wow.

Annie said...

HOLY CRAP! Congratulations!!!! Did you have any idea this might happen? How exciting! YAY! He gets you, he really gets you, he propsed at a sheep & wool festival! :-)

Harlem Purl said...


Zarzuela said...

Congrats!! Now there is a dude that knows how to ask the big question. :)


Debbie said...

Congratualtions!!! What more could you ask for, yarn and a good man!

lekkercraft said...

oh wow - contratulations! I'm so happy for you!!

Mintyfresh said...

wow, congrats!

nicolina said...

totally perfect! yarn & a ring! congrats!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, how exciting!

Knitting Ewe said...

Congratulations! I am trying to deside if the yarns makes the ring look better or the ring makes the yarn look better!